Grower Notes:
Clematis 'Elsa Spaeth' is commonly referred to as Elsa Spaeth Clematis. It is a multi-stemmed deciduous woody vine with a twining and trailing habit. This beautiful low maintenance Clematis is exceptionally free flowering and features violet blue sepals with red anthers.
Elsa Spaeth Clematis thrives in full to part sun (head in the sun - feet in the shade) in humus rich, evenly moist, well-drained soils.
This particular variety of clematis flowers from May to June on previous season's growth. Heavy flush of flowers occur in May and June followed by a possible second, smaller flush in September on current season's growth.
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con = containers - available now
Galena are above ground and available now
Add'l (Additional) trees are not in Galena, but in a remote location which is easily accessible. Call your rep for info. They will not be in the Shop.
Dig (Field) trees are still in the ground. Please call your sales rep to place a Dig Order. They will not be in the Shop.
(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are available now)
Available cultivars in this genus: