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What we all have been waiting for - SPRING!

Acanthus spinosa
(Bear's Breeches)

Any Availability:

A dramatic plant in any landscape, it has dark green, toothed, spiky basal leaves. In early summer, it will grow a 3-4' tall flower spike. The blooms on the spike resemble a white snapdragon flower, with a purplish hood topping the white throats. Grows best in average soil, in sun or partial shade. - Zone 5

Allium 'Millenium
(Ornamental Onion)

Any Availability:

Large, rosy-purple flower heads appear on strong, 20" stems in July. The strap-like, glossy green leaves stay green for several months. Best in full sun. Deer and rabbit proof! - Zone 5

Amsonia hubrichtii
(Hubricht's Bluestar)

Any Availability:

This variety has delicate-looking, needle-type, green foliage with steel-blue flowers in late spring. The foliage turns a beautiful gold color in the fall. Growing 3-4' tall this carefree plant will grow in average soil and return every year. It is best grown in full sun or partial shade. - Zone 4

Andropogon gerardii 'Red October PP26283'
(Big Bluestem)

Any Availability:

Size: con 2 - Qty: 32
Big Bluestem is a tough, native grass that is tolerant of poor soils and drought. 'Red October' has deep green leaves with hints of red in the spring. It develops more red coloring as the season progresses. After the first frost, the entire plant, including the seed heads, will be deep red. With the blooms, it can reach 5-6' tall. Best in full sun. It is hard to Zone 3.

Anemone Pretty Lady™ Series
(Pretty Lady Anemone)

Any Availability:

Short, compact Anemones produce a ton of blooms in late summer-early fall. At one third the height and twice the flower power of older varieties, these little beauties are perfect for tucking into the front of the border. Annual plantings looking tired? Yank them out and put in some Pretty Ladies. Mums not surviving the winter? These Ladies are much tougher! - Zone 5

Aruncus aethusifolius
(Dwarf Korean Goat's Beard)

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 78
Many Aruncus grow tall, but this variety forms a low mound of light green, fern-like foliage. In early summer, it produces many short spikes of creamy white flowers that resemble miniature astilbes. Best in full or partial shade, it grows 8-12" tall. Zone 2.

Aster 'Snow Flurry'
(White Heath Heather)
Aster 'Snow Flurry'

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 3
Whereas many asters grow tall, this variety is a low-growing, groundcover type. Its stiff stems have a prostrate habit and are covered in white flowers in early fall. Grows just 4-6" tall, and is best in full sun or partial shade. Zone 5.

Eupatorium for. 'Pink Frost'
(Joe Pye Weed)
Eupatorium for. Pink Frost

Any Availability:

Joe Pye Weed can look pretty boring when it's not in bloom. 'Pink Frost' has a color combination that really pops: dark green foliage with wide yellow edges. Small clusters of deep pink flowers appear in late summer and fall. Grows 30-36" tall making it perfect for the back or middle of the border. Best in full sun or part shade. - Zone 4

(Bishop's Hat)

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 4
Size: con 1 - Qty: 1
Perfect low growers for dry shade, these Epimediums have small flowers that resemble tiny columbine blooms. They bloom early when there isn't much else in flower. They have heart-shaped green leaves on wiry stems which give them a bit of a delicate look. Bishop's Hat are very hardy and can handle dry shady areas once established. They come in red, yellow, and white blooms. - Zone 4

Helianthus x mult. 'Sunshine Daydream'
(Perennial Sunflower)
Helianthus Sunshine Daydream

Any Availability:

Size: con 2 - Qty: 25
This back-of-the-border plant has large, gold, dahlia-type blooms on tall, dark stems. It grows 5-6' tall if not pruned, and has dark green foliage that is mostly free of powdery mildew. Blooming from June to August, the flowers are good for cutting. Attracts butterflies. Best in full sun. Zone 4.

Iris ens. Variegata
(Variegated Japanese Iris)
Iris ens Variegata

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 73
Stiff, upright leaves are boldly variegated with green and white. Bluish-lavender flowers emerge in late spring. Foliage is pest-resistant and stays attractive through the summer. Does well in most soil growing 18-24" tall. - Zone 4

Kalimeris inc. 'Blue Star'
(False Aster)
Kalimeria inc. Blue Star

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 275
Petite, daisy-type white flowers cover the mound of foliage all summer long. Heat and drought tolerant and easy to grow in well-drained soil. Grows 24" tall. - Zone 5

Liatris microcephala
(Dwarf Blazing Star)
Liatris microcephala

Any Availability:

A Liatris that doesn't fall over! This dwarf variety has the same purple flower spikes as 'spicata', except they are much smaller, and more numerous. Makes a great addition to any fairy garden as it only grows 18-24" tall. Best in full sun or partial shade. - Zone 4

Packera aurea (formerly Senecio)
(Golden Ragword or Groundsel)
Packera aurea

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 90
A native to most of the Eastern U.S., Packera has dark green basal foliage that produces clusters of small, daisy-type blooms in late spring. The flowers are good for cutting. it self-seeds, and can naturalize an area. Grows 6-12" tall. Prefers moist, well-drained soils. Grows in full sun to full shade. Zone 4.

Phlox div. 'Blue Moon'
(Dwarf Blazing Star)
Phlox div. 'Blue Moon'

Any Availability:

This Phlox grows a bit taller than creeping phlox and blooms a bit later. Loads of fragrant, blue flowers appear in late April-early May. Grows 12" tall with a spreading habit and can handle some shade. Prefers Sun or part shade. - Zone 5

Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'
(Black Eyed Susan)
Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 106
This cultivar of Black Eyed Susan has loads of small, burnt-orange flowers with yellow tips and brown 'button' centers. The flowers appear for a long time, and attract bees and butterflies. Grows 3-4' tall and self-seeds into naturalized clumps. Zone 4.

Rudbeckia 'Viette's Little Suzy'
(Dwarf Black-Eyed Susan)
Rudbeckia 'Viettes Little Suzy'

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 714
An alternative to the popular Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' which can grow to a height of 3', 'Little Suzy' has a maximum height of 18". Blooms most of the summer with the same golden yellow, daisy-type flowers, but has a more refined growth habit. Excellent disease resitance. - Zone 3.

Solidago hyb. 'Little Lemon' PP17297
(Dwarf Goldenrod)
Solidago 'Little Lemon'

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 97
This little guy will give you lots of bright yellow blooms in late summer and early fall. Medium green foliage maintains a compact 8-10" in height and will thrive in full sun or partial shade. - Zone 5

Stachys mon. 'Hummelo'
(Common Betony)
Stachys mon. 'Hummelo'

Any Availability:

Size: con 1 - Qty: 114
Neat, compact clumps of textured green leaves grow 6" in height. In June the plants send up 24" stalks of carmine-rose flower clusters. Blooms for six weeks or more. Prefers full sun and thrives in ordinary soil.

Stylophorum diphyllum
(Celandine Poppy or Wood Poppy)
Stylophorum diphyllum

Any Availability:

This native wildflower has four petaled, yellow flowers that appear in the spring. The blooms appear on 12-18" stems above the clump of pinnately lobed green leaves. Prefers shady areas, where it often naturalizes. Best in moist humus soil. Zone 4.