Grower Notes:
Coreopsis Li'l Bang™ 'Daybreak' PP27138 is commonly referred to as Daybreak Tickseed. It is a member of LI'L BANG™ series that produces flowers with a prominent orange-red center and fringed, gold petal tips. Its daisy-like blossoms flower all summer and into fall. No need to deadhead! It is known to flower a bit earlier than the Big Bang™ varieties.
Daybreak Coreopsis is easy to grow and maintain. It thrives in full sun in average, evenly moist, well-drained soils.
If you are a fan of the Big Bang™ series like Coreopsis 'Mercury Rising', you will love the Li'l Bang™ series. These compact growers exhibit the same great disease resistance and long bloom times.
They provide a fantastic show from summer to fall.
COREOPSIS DAYBREAK | con 1 | 69 | 0 |
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Available cultivars in this genus: