Grower Notes:
Sambucus nigra 'EIFFEL 1' PP23633 is commonly referred to as Bloomables® Black Tower™ Elderberry or Bloomables® Black Tower™ European Elder. It is a deciduous, multi-stemmed, columnar shrub or small tree that can grow from 6-8 feet with a spread of 3-4 feet. It is a cross between Sambucus nigra 'Pyramidalis' and Sambucus nigra 'Guincho Purple'. Large serrated leaves emerge celery green, maturing to burgundy and then jet black through summer, is reminiscent of a Japanese Maple. Two-toned Pink flowers in spring are followed by dark purple berries that not only attract birds and wildlife, but are quite delicious for humans in jams, pancakes and elderberry wine.
Black Tower™ Sambucus thrives in full sun in rich, fertile, evenly moist, well-drained soils. It is a fast-growing, hardy, low-maintenance plant that is deer resistant and well, quite stunning. It is a great choice for a hedge or privacy screen.
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con = containers - available now
Galena are above ground and available now
Add'l (Additional) trees are not in Galena, but in a remote location which is easily accessible. Call your rep for info. They will not be in the Shop.
Dig (Field) trees are still in the ground. Please call your sales rep to place a Dig Order. They will not be in the Shop.
(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are available now)
Available cultivars in this genus: