Grower Notes:
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Glowing Embers' is commonly referred to as Glowing Embers Hydrangea. Glowing Embers is noteworthy for being one of the very few Hydrangeas able to tolerate full sun, resisting fading and scorching. This is a compact cultivar that features abundance 8" across, rounded flowerhead clusters that emerge lime green to white and mature to a very showy pink to red. Flower color is dependent on the acidity of the soil. Reds and pinks occur in more alkaline soils while blues and lavenders occur in more acidic soils. The addition of aluminum sulfate to the soil will encourage more vivid blue color and adding lime will produce pink flowers.
Glowing Embers thrives in partial sun in rich, organic, evenly moist, well-drained soils. It can grow in full sun as well, but does prefer afternoon shade. It is ideal grouped in the shrub border or as an accent or specimen plant. It is also beautiful in containers.
HYDRANGEA MAC GLOWING EMBERS | con 3 | 14 | 0 | 0 | HYDRANGEA MAC GLOWING EMBERS | con 5 | 63 | 0 | 0 |
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con = containers - available now
Galena are above ground and available now
Add'l (Additional) trees are not in Galena, but in a remote location which is easily accessible. Call your rep for info. They will not be in the Shop.
Dig (Field) trees are still in the ground. Please call your sales rep to place a Dig Order. They will not be in the Shop.
(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are available now)
Available cultivars in this genus: