Grower Notes:
Heptacodium miconioides is commonly referred to as the Seven-Son Flower. It is an unusual specimen with dark green foliage and exfoliating bark. May brings glossy green leaves in summer. In late summer, when few woody plants are in bloom, fragrant, white, jasmine-like flowers appear from the tips of branches. In early fall, flowers mature and develop small fruits surrounded by showy, bright red, petal-like leaves. Winter brings attractive, exfoliating tan bark that peels to reveal a darker brown.
Seven-Son Flower is best grown in full sun, but can tolerate light shade. It enjoys fertile, moist, well-drained soils. Prune it in winter before the flower buds are set.
HEPTACODIUM MICONIOIDES | 5-6 ft | 0 | 0 | 1 |
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