Grower Notes:
Diospyros virginiana is commonly referred the Common Persimmon, American Persimmon, Possumwood, Date Plum, Winter Plum or Jove's Fruit. It is a shrubby, native tree that can reach 20 feet tall in time with a spreading and pendulous habit. It features fragrant, bell-shaped, greenish-yellow flowers in Spring, and glossy green leaves that turn greenish-yellow in fall. In fall, large, orange, edible fruit attract wildlife and are delicious for humans when ripe. When ripe, fruit are sweet and often used in making syrups, jellies, puddings, and pies.
American Persimmon thrives in full sun to partial shade in sandy, evenly moist, well-drained soils. It can be drought tolerant once established. They are not self-pollinating so you will need to have a second American Persimmon tree nearby for it to set fruit. Note: Japanese and American persimmons will not cross pollinate.
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Dig trees are Field trees that are still in the ground. Please call your sales rep to place a Dig Order. They are not in the Shop.
(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are above-ground and available now)
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