Grower Notes:
Carpinus betulus 'Incisa' is commonly referred to as Incisa European Hornbeam. It is similar to Carpinus 'Asplenifolia' but with slightly smaller leaves. It is noteworthy for its upright, pyramidal habit and pendant, leafy-bracted racemes of fruit. Its lobed, narrow green leaves mature to a showy yellow in fall. Bark is gray, fluted and smooth.
Incisa European Hornbeam grows slowly and prefers morning sun and filtered sun in the afternoon in average, well-drained soils.
CARPINUS BET INCISA | 2 in | 5 | 0 | CARPINUS BET INCISA | 2.5 in | 0 | 7 | CARPINUS BET INCISA | 3 in | 0 | 7 |
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Other available cultivars in this genus: