Grower Notes:
The Robin Hill Serviceberry is an open, upright, multi-stemmed small tree with an upright habit. It features shell pink flowers in early spring that give way to edible purplish-black berries that are enjoyed by birds and humans alike.
In Autumn, the dark green foliage ages to a beautiful reddish-orange before its drop which then shows off its showy smooth, gray bark. Such an attractive 4-season selection! Its upright habit makes it an excellent choice for street plantings or other upright settings where a small and attractive tree is desired.
AMELANCHIER GRA ROBIN HILL | con 15 | 8 ft | 50 | 0 | AMELANCHIER GRA ROBIN HILL | 1.75 in | 3 | 5 | AMELANCHIER GRA ROBIN HILL | 2 in | 14 | 35 | AMELANCHIER GRA ROBIN HILL | 2.5 in | 0 | 4 |
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con = containers - available now
Galena are available now
Storage trees are not in Galena. They are in a remote location. Please call your sales rep to order. They are not in the Shop.
Dig trees are Field trees that are still in the ground. Please call your sales rep to place a Dig Order. They are not in the Shop.
(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are above-ground and available now)
Available cultivars in this genus: