Grower Notes:
Acer sieboldianum 'Kumoi nishiki' is commonly referred to as Kumoi Nishiki Siebold Maple or Kumoi Nishiki Variegated Full Moon Maple. It is a small upright deciduous tree that features dusty cream and white heavily variegated foliage, giving this upright tree a unique mottled appearance. Fall brings showy yellow and orange to its leaves. This easy to grow specimen is extremely cold tolerant and can reach the height of 8-10 feet in about 15 years.
Kumoi nishiki Maple thrives in filtered sun in organically rich, evenly moist, well-drained soils. Protection from the hot afternoon sun in beneficial.
ACER SIE KUMOI NISHIKI | con 7 | 4 | 0 |
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(BBnPOT - formerly known as GRSTART - are B&B put into a container - they are above-ground and available now)
Other available cultivars in this genus: